Reinforcement Training

Have you ever tried to quit smoking, add exercise to your daily routine, change your eating habits?

If you’ve ever tried to change a behavior, you know how difficult it can be. Just ask ten people on February 1 how many have kept their New Year’s Resolutions to know for a fact that starting something new or changing a bad habit is difficult.

Attending a sales training workshop is a great way to expose your team to new ideas, but if you want the sales training material to transform their day-to-day activities, follow-up is critical.

It takes practice. It takes encouragement. It takes reinforcement.

That’s why Whetstone Group offers reinforcement training for Common Sense Selling®.

Every successful athlete has a coach. Whetstone Group provides extensive coaching worldwide

Available Reinforcement Training:

  • Tele-classes (weekly classes)
  • Monday Morning Sales Coach, a free weekly coaching email. Sign up here »
  • Coach-on-Call program (via email and/or phone—reinforcement and encouragement is available when you need it)

How to get started

To get more information abut Common Sense Selling® Training programs or the Reinforcement training, call one of our sales training consulatants 1-800-235-2816 or or use the form below.